Vision and Values​


We want “to develop a world class social development organisation which develops the community where no one has to suffer from physical and mental agony caused by society, and its unyielding and rigid beliefs. We call it social equality.”

Sahara envisions creating an enabling environment of equal opportunities and access to information and development alternatives encouraging communities, especially the poor and marginalised to take informed decisions. The founding members came together with a view that to achieve real development civil society must come forward to contribute to the society. An efficient partnership between not-for-profit development institutions and the state can be the tool to bring about such a change.


The organisation strives for excellence through research, innovation, evolution and continuous improvement.

Target Group

The organisation works with alcoholics, drug addicts, individuals indulging in self-destructive activities, stigmatised and marginalised individuals, their families, and public in general. The organisation serves these people with empathy and compassion